Thursday, November 13, 2008

Letter to Our Community

Hi sisters, brothers, Compadritos y Comadritas and supporters of the Danza Azteca-Mexica, Moon dance, the Sun Dance, other Ceremonias. We have compiled this list of e-mails to invite you and maintain you informed of all our Kalpulli activities. If you feel you do not want to be part of this list please let us know and we will erase you from our list. On the other hand if you feel this is going to be a good list for you please let us know.

As we compiled this list we became aware that we are not alone as sometimes we may feel in our new home. We were brought to Austin by the Great Spirit and as soon as we arrived here we opened up our Kalpulli knowing very well what our path is. Creator has given us this opportunity and it is a very beautiful gift but it is also a job that requires all our energies and love overall. As we all know when we receive spiritual gifts, the meaning is responsibilities and work, work, work, work! The majority of you know of our work and we want to keep you posted and count with your love and support. We also know that we have planted seeds along our path and our friendships that we have for years and our familias are proof that those seeds germinate and grow.

Some of you are in the U.S., some of you in Austin Texas, Canada, South America and some of you in our dear Mexico! but the reason why we want to send all this information to all of you is because in one way or another we are connected, whether it is through the Moon Dance or the Sun Dance or Danza Azteca-Mexica, or Ceremonias, or healings, workshops and classes, or friendship and/or familia, we feel this connection and through this connection you are part of us too.

Some of you we have known for years and some of you we have barely met, but one thing is for sure, all of you represent different circles that have crossed our path and we appreciate your energies.

As we send you this information about our upcoming moonlodge and our weekly Danza Azteca-Mexica practice, and you think "I am not a dancer" or "I am not in Austin to attend", please do not discard the idea of becoming our spiritual supporters wherever you are. Your prayers are our prayers and our prayers are your prayers.

In-Lakesh, Oh Metakuyasin, Ometeotl, El es Dios! Compadritos y Comadritas.
Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuauhtli-Orta & Antonio Calli Acatzin Orta
Kalpulli Teokalli Teoyolotl

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