Sunday, March 22, 2009

La Abuela Xochicuamatzin/Grandmother Xochicuamatzin

El segundo año de la Danza de la Luna, estaba yo al lado de el Abuelo Cenyaotl apoyando a las danzantes de la luna y le comentaba yo “Abuelo, que fuertes son estas mujeres! Yo me estoy muriendo de frío y de sueño y mire ellas como andan como si nada.” Era ya casi la tercera ronda y todavia faltaba tiempo para que amaneciera. En mi mente aun quedaba lo duro del año anterior con la lluvia, el frio, la dureza del viento, y el abuelo me contesto “mmhm mira y señaló hacia el circulo cuando iba pasando la fila de la abuela y entre ellas iba la abuela Xochicuamatzin y me dijo “sabes cuantas operaciones tiene ella?” Y me dijo, “ella tiene al menos 7 operaciones y mirala”. Yo le dije “deveras? pos que le paso?” El Abuelo dijo, “tuvo un accidente.” Y yo le conteste bromeando “O sea que ya es como una mujer biónica.” El se rió y me vió como diciendo “ay Daniel el travieso” porque asi me decia. Y dijo “es por eso que debemos de estar aquí y no pensar en el frío ni querer irnos a dormir, si no pues a que venimos? nomas voltea a verlas y te llenan de fuerza.” Esto me hizo valorar mas el trabajo que un hombre tiene que hacer en la danza de la Luna para fortalecer no solo a su mujer sino a todas las mujeres y ayudar y apoyar con el servicio, con la sonrisa y con los animos. “Y mira, luego dicen que la mujer es el sexo débil pero de débiles no tienen nada”. En eso las volvimos a ver dando otra vuelta y se expreso de la abuela Tonalmitl con muchisima admiración, amor y cariño, y de nuevo platicamos de la abuela Xochicuamatzin admirando su voluntad, su entrega, su fortaleza, y su todo sabiendo que para ella dar un paso era mucho mas duro. No necesité preguntar que tipo de operaciones había tenido solo me cautivó mucho el saber que una persona como ella pudo superar sus dolores físicos y si algún mensaje puedo expresar, ese mensaje sería dirigido para todos los guerreros apoyando en la danza de la luna. El mensaje sería que pusieramos mas atención en ese tipo de ejemplos que nos dan cada una de las mujeres que estan ahí adentro porque al final de cuentas no sabemos cuanto cargan ahí en el circulo y una de ellas representa ese ejemplo para que nosotros los hombres honremos a guerreras como la abuela Xochicuamatzin respetandolas mas en la vida diaria en el mundo. La abuela se ha ganado el respeto y la admiración de guerreras y guerreros y algunos le llaman “La abuela sonrisas”. Y gracias a esa sonrisa cada vez que ella pasa frente a mi me llena de fuerza cuando levanta su brazo y nos bendice con su bastón respondiendo al grito de “tiahui Mexicas!! tiahui Cihuas!!” inconfundible entre las sombras con su sombrerito de lana y su paso tan bello y poderoso lleno de esa luz y amor que irradia su sonrisa . Le agradecemos a la abuela por ser esa fuerza para nuestros cuerpos débiles que sentían el sueño y el cansancio y estaban a punto de desfallecer. Que recuerdos Abuelas, que recuerdos!
Antonio Acatzin

The second year of the Moondance, I was next to Grandfather Cenyaotl, supporting the Moon dancers and I was talking with him saying “Abuelo, these women are so strong! I am really freezing and want to go to sleep! but look at them, like as if nothing.” It was almost the third round of the night and it was still a long time before dawn. In my mind I kept thinking about the previous year that was so hard, with lots of rain, the cold, the harshness of the wind, and abuelo answered “mmhm look” and he signaled to the circle when the line of grandmother Tonalmitl was passing by and amongst those women was grandmother Xochicuamatzin. He said, “do you know how many surgeries she has had?” and continued, “she has had at least 7 surgeries and look at her.” I responded, “really? What happened to her?” The grandfather said, “she had an accident.” And I answered jokingly “So she’s like a bionic woman?” He smiled and looked at me like saying “Ay Dennis the menace” because he used to call me like that. And he said, “that’s why we have to be here and not think for a minute about the cold weather or wanting to go to sleep, if not what did we come for? Just turn around and watch them all and they fill you up with fuerza.” This made me value more the work that a man has to do in the Moondance to strengthen not only his woman but all the women, and how men can help with their support, their service, their smiles and su animo. Grandfather continued saying, “and then people say that women are weak, but that is not true.” At that time we saw them again as they were making another turn and he saw his duality Abuela Tonalmitl and expressed all his admiration, his love, his cariño for her. We continued talking about Abuela Xochicuamatzin admiring her will, her commitment, her fortitude, and her everything, knowing that for her, making each step was harder. I did not need to ask what kind of surgery she had because what captured me was knowing that she was able to overcome all that physical pain and if I can express any message it is a message directed to all the guerreros who have a woman Moondancer, or even if there are warriors out there who go and support all the women. My message is to pay attention to these examples that each one of the women give us because many times we do not know how much they are carrying in the circle and each one of them is an example for us men to honor them as women warriors like grandmother Xochicuamatzin respecting them in our daily life in the world. Abuela Xochicuamatzin has earned the respect and admiration of the men and women warriors and she is called “grandmother smiles.” And thanks to her smiles, each time she goes around and I see her in front of me, she fills my spirit with so much strength when she lifts up her arm and blesses us all with her sacred staff responding to my gritos de “tiahui Mexicas!! tiahui Cihuas!!” She is unique in between the shadows of the night, with her particular sombrerito de lana and her beautiful and strong step full of that light and love that her smile irradiates. We thank you grandmother Xochicuamatzin for being that strength for our weak bodies that feel sleepy and tired and almost give up. Ah, memories, sweet memories! Antonio Acatzin

La Organizacion Politica en los Pueblos de Anahuac

El ilustre investigador e historiador Mexicano Doctor en Derecho Don Ignacio Romerovargas Iturbide, en el ano de 1957 presento como tesis para obtener el doctorado en Derecho en la Escuela Nacional de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico el tratado "La Organizacion Politica de los Pueblos de Anahuac" de cuyo tratado escribio una magnifica sintesis que denomino "Los Gobiernos Socialistas de Anahuac". En estas dos obras, en las cuales resplandece la verdad historica de Mexico nos basamos para explicar como estaban organizados politicamente los pueblos de nuestra patria Anahuac, hoy Mexico, en la epoca anterior a la invasion.
La estructura politica tenia las siguientes denominaciones
El Calpulli (Calpul-li)
El Icmuyotl de Calpontin
El Huey Tlahtocayoti
La Federacion de Pueblos de Anahuac

Lic. Andres Fernandez Gatica
Calpulli Anahuacayotl, Tlaxcalancingo, Puebla

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mexica Teachings

Kualli Yohualli Guerreros y Guerreras

Kalpulli Teokalli Teoyolotl wants to share the knowledge behind the Mexicayotl. Our intention is to share with you and send you weekly information that will be posted on this blog. We will open a day of the month for teachings to come over and explore the information presented to you. We will use dialogue, lecture, and different teaching methods to extend to all the learning styles present. Some people learn best by reading, some by listening, some visually, some by talking, some by writing, some by experiencing and some doing a little bit of everything that's why we feel it is important to have several methods of teaching present. These teaching methods along with the practices of the ceremonies is essential for any warrior of the Mexicayotl. It is important to have both el espiritu y el "conocimiento".
Knowing that one of our worse enemies of today is TIME, we know that we are running around like "caballos desbocados" as my grandma would say and it is a big effort on our part and on your part to use some of our limited time to share, learn, teach, explore.
We challenge you to use some of your time to be part of Kalpulli Teoakalli Teoyolotl Calmecatl. And ironically we will refer to the account of time (cuauhpohualli) and the tonal machiotl frequently because a lot of the knowledge and wisdom comes from the study of TIME.
We will meet for the first time March 21 after the temazkal and after we eat and clean up. It will be a day full of teachings and experiences and celebration. Those of you who are planning to come be ready to relax afterwards and enjoy the sharing on our day of Spring Equinox.

Focus: Mexica Philosophy

Some of you have read this information but it is a different experience to dissect it in a circle of conocimiento. We invite you to read it, and bring your questions or experiences or comments to the circle to learn more about it.

Mexica Somos y en el camino andamos!
but do we know what it is to be Mexica?
Let's start with the basics

Mexica philosophy was created based on natural phenomena. Mexica philosophy is profound, intelligent, deep, wise, intense, beautiful, because it deciphers everything about life, present and future. (Concept of time being cyclical)

The name of this Continent is Ixachilatlan (different citations have different ways to spell the name) and it means INMENSIDAD immensity
The original population of Ixachilatlan was AUCTOCTONA autoctonous, that is they did not come from other continents. They were native to Ixachilatlan. (attention to the chronology)

Chronology of the roots of our culture (what is time?, here we go again with time)
In our present measurements coming from the European calendar, time is linear. For our ancestors time is cyclical and it appears time after time. The chronology of our roots is very important because if you know and understand the chronology you will be able to speak the truth and stand up tall in front of the lies and abuses that sometimes we go through when it is pretended that we as Mexicas are less than or inferior to.
Olmeca -------Florida and Tabasco
Maya-------Southeast of the country Tabasco, Guatemala, Honduras
Teotihuakatl ------Meseta Central
Mexikatl ------7 last pueblos
1st Xochimilco
2nd. Akolhua-Lake Texcoco
3rd. Tekpanekatl- (azkapotzalko-northeast)
4th Xalko
5th Tlaxkalan (east)
6th Tlahuika (tepoztlan)
7th Aztekatl Metzciko-

Metz de Meztli (luna) Xi -Xiktli (ombligo) Ko- lugar
Los Mexicas vivian en el centro del lago de la luna
The Mexica Pantli and its symbols.
the penasco = solid base
the nopal = immortality
el aguila = majestic, value, noble
the serpent???? which serpent? there was no serpent!!! The symbol is........

Come and explore these symbols with us March 21, 2009
Temazkal at noon
Please arrive at 11 am to prepare
Pot luck
Approximate time to eat after the temazkal 3pm to 4pm
Clean up time 4pm to 5pm
Teachings 5-7pm If you cannot make it for the temazkal and you can come for the teachings that's ok. Just let us know
Rosa Tupina and Antonio Acatzin
Kalpulli Teokalli Teoyolotl
Austin, Texas

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Palabras de la Capitana Tonantzin Marzo 12, 2009


A todos mis hermanos Mexicas les envio un breve y sincero saludo para celebrar este dia en que estamos dejando la energia de un pedernal y retomando otra nueva energia de un año matlactli calli es decir un año diez casa, el numeral diez simboliza la integracion de nuestras dos manos pudiendo lograr en este nuevo año mucha creatividad,habilidades ,equilibrio y sabiduria. Nuestros abuelos Toltecas nos enseñaron que la energia que acompaña al numeral diez es la de TEZCATLIPOCA es decir todo lo relativo a la memoria incluyendo la memoria genetica y ancestral que habita en nuestras venas, permitiendo nuestra visita hacia dentro de nosotros mismos para acrecentar nuestra conciencia,nuestras sensibilidades,nuestra intuicion,y nuestro desarrollo interno; El tecolote sera el ave presente por todo este año y nos permite ser reflexivos, sabios y lograr una mejor concentracion en nuestros actos y se nos facilitaran los trabajos de meditacion a traves de la paciencia.
El signo CALLI de este año es el signo de un recinto sagrado o nuestras casa por ejemplo nuestro cuerpo es el venerable recinto de nuestro espiritu y nuestra esencia de la cual nosotros somos los unicos responsables de como lo tenemos y lo mantenemos,tambien tendremos la oportunidad de iluminar ,limpiar y habitar con felicidad nuestro hogar y a nuestra familia,y seria muy bueno que veneraramos juntos a nuestra casa comun que es nuestra madre tierra las personas que nacen en un año calli son seres creativos,hogareños y muy productivos,tambien son personas estudiosas,trabajadoras y previsoras y procuran no pasar privaciones ;pero aun cuando no hallamos nacido en un año calli todas estas caracteristicas y energias estaran presentes por todo este año asi que los invito a que las aprovechemos y las disfrutemos.
Les comparto que algunos miembros de nuestro grupo TONANTZIN COATLICUE realizamos nuestro primer dia NEMONTENI viajando a nuestro interior enfrente de un gran fuego sagrado ,visitando lo profundo de nuestra madre tierra en dos temazcales ,uno al anochecer y otro al amanecer y meditamos a la interperie por toda la noche guiados por nuestro hermaño TETEZCA . Fue una experiencia muy bella cuando en otro gran fuego de la purificacion,limpieza y barrimiento quemamos nuestras cargas emocionales.Asi entre menos cargas llevamos mas altos vuelos alcanzamos.
No olviden su propio TECATLIPOCA ni el numeral diez que es integracion y creatividad ni hacer de su propio cuerpo un recinto venerable y digno de ustedes mismos para juntos poder honrar a nuestros ancestros y ellos nos manden una sonrisa acompañada de su bella luz cosmica.
Yo vivo en el cosmos ,sobre la tierra al lado de mi corazon en la gran jicara azul
su hemana de siempre TONANTZIN

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Celebrating The Mexica New Year

Since last Friday March 6Th the celebrations began in many part of this Continent called Ixachilatlan many moons ago and now known as America.

Thanks to the efforts of many of our ancestors, our elders, our wise men and women, the knowledge of the "cuentas del tiempo" has been preserved. We pray at this moment for all our people whose lives were taken due to all the acts of genocide and for defending the Mexicayotl with their blood. We honor them in these 5 days.

The preservation of amazing, incredible and fascinating work to understand the time and not only understand it but feel it with all our senses is the work of many men and women who came before us. We are very fortunate to live these experiences of celebration of the times and passing on the knowledge to our loved ones so they can learn to love it and respect it.

In spite of differences from some scholars that correlate the "cuentas" in one way or another, (there's various reputable methods available with differences), the essence of honoring the Mexica year is present today and that is important. There is still plenty of room for scholars to come together and debate and do more studies on the Tonal Machiotl. That in itself shows us that it has taken years of study to be able to understand the surface of the magnificent Mexica calendar considered the most precise measurement of time and space.
What does this mean?? Wow! to me I'm just without words! Me quedo sin palabras!
That's why this is a time of reflection, specially the 5 days prior to the new year.

The Nemontemi days are the 5 days that are observed before the new year enters. That is, from the 7Th to the11Th of March.

Time is the cosmic perception of what our ancestors used to live, in harmony, in communion with the Ometeotl, the Tloque Nahuaque, the essences, the forces, the generators of life, the elements, everything that is, transferred into a material form, a stone sculpted to capture the movement and preserve the knowledge!
We are very fortunate because we have inherited this wonderful legacy, treasure. I can't even find the words to describe what I feel at this moment as I am trying to share my reflection of the past days.

Nemontemi days, we have been told by the elders that it is a time to reflect upon the life we have lived the previous year, the year 9 tecpatl in this case.

The reflection is done with the purpose of transition to the new year. Individually each person needs to know what changes he/she needs to make for the collective purpose to let go and to begin.

The new Mexica Year 10 Calli will begin at 12 am on the 12 Th of March

Kalpulli Teokalli Teoyolotl wishes you and your community a Happy Mexica Year!

We have been in reflection these days and serving our community to reinforce our commitment as a Kalpulli and we have chosen to celebrate it maintaining a sacred fire and with the Council of women of Alma de Mujer on Sunday 8Th with a sacred temazkal and we will end the celebration with another temazkal for the group of Men from the local TAASA (Texas Association Against Sexual Abuse), marking our upcoming work with circles for men and circles for women at Kalpulli Teokalli Teoyolotl. We thank the community of Austin for opening the doors so the work can continue and so that the preservation and love of the Mexicayotl grows.

Tlazokamati to all our brothers and sisters observing these days and celebration as well!
Nos unimos a sus rezos!

Rosa Tupina y Antonio Acatzin
Kalpulli Teokalli Teoyolotl
Austin, Texas